all postcodes in PE38 / DOWNHAM MARKET

find any address or company within the PE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE38 8AQ 0 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8AT 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BE 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BG 1 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BL 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BS 1 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BW 1 1 52.601406 0.377985
PE38 8BX 0 52.601425 0.378004
PE38 8BY 1 0 52.601425 0.378004
PE38 8BZ 1 0 52.601425 0.378004
PE38 8DA 1 1 52.601425 0.378004
PE38 8DB 1 52.601425 0.378004